Experienced, professional business leaders

Cultivating high-performing, collaborative teams

Impactful Strategies

Rapid Adaptation

Collaborative Culture

Rodina Ventures

What’s in a Name?

Introducing Rodina Ventures Ltd., a testament to the spirit of unity and familial bonds, nestled in the heart of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Derived from the Ukrainian word meaning “my people” or family, Rodina Ventures embodies a commitment to cultivating meaningful relationships with our clients, transforming them into members of our extended family. Founded by Andrew and Dawn, our boutique consulting firm embraces the ethos of innovation and collaboration, extending an invitation to all who seek not just business partners, but trusted allies on their journey to success.

At Rodina Ventures, every interaction is an opportunity to forge lasting connections and build a community grounded in mutual respect and shared goals. As new customers engage with us, their aspirations become our own, and their challenges are met with unwavering support and expertise. Drawing upon our collective wisdom and experience, we work side by side with our clients, navigating obstacles together and celebrating victories as one cohesive unit. Whether it’s strategic planning, leadership development, or team enhancement, our holistic approach to consultancy ensures that every client not only achieves their objectives but also becomes part of the Rodina network, where success is measured not just in profits, but in the strength of the bonds we share. Welcome to Rodina Ventures.

We have weathered the ebbs and flows of business cycles

There is a significant difference is working with Andrew. He is far more professional and takes the stress out of the process. He is a man of his word, I trust him implicitly and would engage him again.

Stuart McLaughlin, Houston, Client and Business Partner

We understand the intricacies of driving teams and are uniquely equipped to guide you toward tangible, sustainable business results.

Our experts are certified partners in all training programs we offer

Dawn has an excellent understanding of the audiences she supports and knows how to communicate with them. She’s straight froward and creates much more effective communication within the organization.

Client, Well Servicing

We meticulously source our programs from around the world to provide you with the highest-quality training available.

We go beyond simply providing training and planning workshops

When I engaged Andrew, I quickly realized how valuable it is to have someone dig into the technical aspects of the business., the important insights that can be gained by advanced analysis and modelling – and apply it with pragmatic business sense an a shared desired to grow,

Geoff Best, CEO, Paladin Dynamics Ltd.

We stay with you every steps of the way, ensuring that our programs are not only implemented but also highly effective.

We are your long-term partner committed to your success

Dawn had an excellent grasp of the business side of the organization and the ability to grasp how to communicate and problem-solve with various personalities in the company. She is responsive and you can always count on her to follow up.

Client, Well Servicing

We offer a holistic approach that goes beyond the surface. We’ll work with you on strategic planning, cultural alignment, team development, individual awareness, and provide ongoing HR support.

Dawn Sweany, EMBA

A comprehensive toolkit of cutting-edge team and individual performance enhancement resources

Seasoned Executive and respected leader with a results-driven approach to optimizing team dynamics and cultural integration. With a background in large and small organizations; both public and private, I’ve developed Strategic leadership through interaction with Boards of Directors as well as Executive teams

I offer experience in international business and cultural integration in countries such as Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, United States, Norway, Kazakhstan, Germany, Cuba, and Kurdistan. Formally trained and certified in the Hofstede Insights Intercultural Management program, I diagnose intercultural differences and implement solutions that reduce conflict and optimize communication.

Experience in all phases of the business cycle including integration of acquisitions and organizational restructuring. I am skilled in recruitment and retention strategies for both growth and restructuring. In both cases, the goal is to achieve the business objectives while treating team members with respect through their journey with the organization.


  • Intercultural Management, Hofstede Insights, 2023.
  • Organizational Culture, Hofstede Insights, 2023.
  • Everything DiSC, Wiley, 2023.
  • Five Behaviors, Wiley, 2023.
  • SLII (Situational Leadership), Ken Blanchard Institute, 2023

Additional skills:

Human Resources strategy and policy development and implementation including Executive compensation, alignment of compensation programs to business objectives, performance management, succession planning and organizational structure.

Knowledgeable in all aspects of Canadian employment law with experience in dispute resolution including agencies such as Workers Compensation Board and the Human Rights Commission.


  • Bachelor of Management 2011, Athabasca University, Athabasca, Alberta.
  • Master of Business Administration (EMBA), 2019, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario.
  • Strategic HR Leadership 2017, Cornell University
  • Business in China 2018, China Europe Business School, Shanghai People’s Republic of China

Dawn created tremendous improvements in the HR division of our public company and was highly supportive of our needs in the field. She had an excellent understanding of the different audiences she supported and how to communicate with them. She’s straightforward and she created much more effective communication within the organization. Dawn made it possible for people to improve how they worked together, created a better team environment and our roles became much easier.

Client Energy Industry

Andrew Buzinsky, MBA, CMA-CPA, P.Eng.

Company builder with a proven track record of international expansion and growth

Experienced entrepreneur, CEO, and global executive with a proven track record of business success including acquisitions and divestitures totaling over $150 million

I have a strong reputation as a company builder with a proven track record of international expansion and rapid growth with hands-on experience leading and integrating global mergers and acquisitions, with decentralized staff spread across many countries. I’ve worked in Canada. USA. Argentina. Norway. Germany. Scotland. China. Russia. Saudi Arabia. UAE. And Kuwait.

My approach is to be a practical problem solver using facts and analysis for the basis of decision-making. I believe in clear, simple communication and inclusive collaboration to make the most of talent and resources.

My expertise is in company growth through acquisition, organic growth, and commercial agreements with executive skills in engineering, corporate finance, accounting, technology, business development and operations.

 Education & Associations

  • Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, 1988, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
  • Master of Business Administration (EMBA), 2009, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario.
  • Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA), Professional Engineer, 1990.
  • Chartered Professional Accountants of Alberta, Chartered Professional Accountant CPA-CMA, 2009.
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers, Lifetime Member, 1991.

Andrew is very focused on the process and looking for the right outcomes. He is highly respected in the Canadian oil industry. In terms of what he brings to the table, it’s the ability to execute. He has a great deal of experience and is deliberate in how he works to achieve the business goals and to fulfil on our vision. In working with him, I see he values keeping his word, and also entrepreneurship, willingness to take risks and hard work. He’s also very personable and willing to get involved.

Giles Edward, CEO, M-Flow Technologies Ltd.

Our aim is simple yet impactful: Arm businesses with strategies which address their most pressing challenges and differentiate them from the competition.

Custom strategies based on integrity and transparent communication.